Collaboration key to keeping food on tables

6th April 2020

Collaboration key to keeping food on tables

CEO of agri tech company Devenish commends efforts of farming and food sector amongst COVID-19 pandemic

CEO of Belfast-headquartered agri technology company Devenish, Richard Kennedy, has underlined the importance of collaboration throughout the supply chain to keep the farming and food sectors working amidst the Coronavirus pandemic.

"Feeding families across the globe means keeping the farming and food supply chain intact - from the ground up," Richard Kennedy said.

"During these uncertain times, when food and agriculture are so critical, we are more committed than ever in helping maintain our role in that.

"For Devenish, that means ensuring animal and soil nutrition solutions reach the hard-working farmers, growers, processors and retailers that are keeping food on the tables of families."

Richard Kennedy commended the efforts of those involved in food and farming in recent weeks: "We have witnessed a huge sense of commitment and innovation during recent weeks amongst our own people and every one of our supply chain partners - each of whom are doing their best under pressure to keep their people safe and the food chain intact.

"As the situation evolves, continued collaboration at every aspect of the food supply chain will be vital to ensuring people worldwide get access to safe, nutritious food."

For further information contact Sarah Stitt / Ben McCabe at Morrow Communications on

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